Monde Libre
To our Scottish readers: vote yes, then ask for your unification with France
Today you will make history. Leaving the UK for independence. It is a great moment. But have you also thought about what you will do later?
Today you will make history. Leaving the UK for independence. It is a great moment. But have you also thought about what you will do later? Let’s be honest two seconds, your little country will need a strong ally to assert itself. We must be realistics and act like adults. We are in 2014, it’s fine to demand independence and stuff : I can do everything by myself, and do what I want, and I’m big, and now I eat what I want, and if I want to watch TV shows all night, I will.
True, but it will not last. Sooner or later, you will dramatically understand by yourself that you will not get anywhere. But no worries ! France has got you covered. You are not unaware that our two countries are bound by a long tradition and the famous Auld Alliance. What a luck !
Thus, we suggest that you vote yes, to leave the United Kingdom and then request an administrative union with France. Why France ? France is a beautiful country in Western Europe, great location and enjoying a temperate climate. Everyone dreams of going to France once in his life. Look at the thousands of tourists who come each year ! The Moulin Rouge, the Eiffel Tower ! And with this connection, it will be accessible for you, because you will be in France and Scotland at the same time. Save time, save money.
Moreover, this connection will give you the opportunity to enjoy the speed and efficiency of our administration. Competent ministers, who are always ready to intervene on the ground. To maximize efficiency, we replace our government every three months. So far, our president is the most popular we ever had. He’s a nice man, open-minded and close to the people.
Choose independence, choose France.
The Editors
Photo: ance Bellers/Purestock/Thinkstock
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